How important is arm strength in relation to doing one arm pull ups?

Workout School
2 min readMar 10, 2023


Arm strength is undoubtedly a factor when it comes to doing one-arm pull-ups, but it’s not the only factor!

One-arm pull-ups require a significant amount of grip strength, which involves the muscles in your hands, forearms, and biceps.

This is because you need to hold onto the bar or other pull-up apparatus with one hand while lifting your entire body weight with that same arm.

Developing grip strength is crucial for being able to hold onto the bar during a one-arm pull-up.

While arm strength is important for doing one-arm pull-ups, back strength is arguably even more important.

This is because the majority of the pulling power comes from your back muscles, including your lats, rhomboids, and traps.

These muscles must be strong enough to lift your body weight with just one arm.

Core strength is also crucial when it comes to doing one-arm pull-ups.

This is because you need to stabilize your body and prevent it from twisting or rotating during the movement.

This requires strong core muscles, including your abs, obliques, and lower back.

Finally, it’s worth noting that body weight is a factor when it comes to one-arm pull-ups.

The heavier you are, the more difficult it will be to lift your body weight with just one arm.

Conversely, if you’re lighter, it may be easier to perform a one-arm pull-up.

Ultimately, arm strength is undoubtedly important when it comes to doing one-arm pull-ups, but it’s not the only factor.

